The value of being human in the digital age

Technology has been the engine of social change and progress since the dawn of humanity. Thus, in our days, we have reached increasingly complex and interdependent social networks, contingent on the smooth running of economic models largely dependent on the efficient use of technological resources. The dizzying speed with which these tools evolve can disorient us to the point of forgetting the architects of the development, maintenance and operation of these advances: people. In the opinion of Francesco Nena, Director of Customer Experience at Securitas Direct, the acceleration of the digitization processes that we have experienced during the pandemic has served to revalue the importance of the human factor as a competitive advantage: “it is a matter of time before companies can access to similar digital solutions and services, but the human part depends a lot on the business culture and that is very difficult to copy”. He dares to speak of a “digitization bubble”, so he is cautious when analysing its scope: “technology is not the answer to all problems. To humanize digitization, before talking about the technological potential, the first thing is to have the trust of customers in the way they use their data”.

When we contact the customer service of any service provider we are used to having -even in the first instance- the conversation with an answering machine; If we have recently gone to carry out a procedure at the branch of our bank, it is possible that they have told us that in most cases we can solve it from the ATM terminal itself without going through the window; It may also be that having gone shopping at one of the main fashion or food firms, they have invited us to go through the line of self-service boxes to dispatch and charge ourselves. In any of these cases, surely, we have required the help of an employee with some detail derived from our lack of familiarity with the software or the mechanical procedure required to take advantage of it. On more than one occasion, we have come across posters with the “terminal out of service” label or we ourselves have discovered with frustration that some of these devices have not been operational or do not allow us to do what we want. The only solution in all these cases has come from the hand of a human face giving us the pertinent indications, offering us a personalized treatment or resorting to the more traditional procedures when technology does not respond. When technology fails or presents barriers for our customers, suppliers or our own company, the solution is always the same: the human factor.

Although this long and hard year of the pandemic has brought many reluctant consumers closer to virtual purchases, thus adding to the boom in electronic commerce, we have also seen reactions in the opposite direction with campaigns that sought to promote local commerce. The keys that today continue to make small businesses attractive are proximity, personalized treatment, the extra value of the tangible, of the physical… these are parameters that are difficult to quantify but, in any case, they are an important source of added value. They are factors that have a direct impact on the trust that is generated with the consumer and that contribute considerably to their loyalty. And this value is applicable whatever our professional field. The key to any business relationship is trust: trust in the quality of the product or service, its guarantees, in the organization's brand ...

In this sense, the interpersonal and communication skills of workers are crucial. From the moment the recruitment of personnel begins, it is necessary to define the profiles that are sought and take into account the capacity of the candidate to develop social relationships with ease. For this, it is essential to verify the candidate's domain of the different communicative registers in which he is going to develop.

Just as the technological resources of the company require a series of attentions for their correct operation, the human team has some requirements that should not be ignored. These go through offering them a comfortable work environment that allows them to express their capacities for the role they perform until they provide a closeness and security typical of only one person.

This digital advance and the conventionalism that it has produced in society, causes an emotional impact on the client at the moment in which he is attended by a close, friendly and well-treated person. We usually qualify the service received based on the experience, where normally 70% of the time, the treatment of the client affects that good review on an opinion website.

That is why the differentiation factor that many companies adopt - and which some of them presume - focuses on good customer service. This good experience offered by the company creates a feeling of security and tranquillity in the client, prompting that person to repeat that transaction again.

And you, what do you value most?

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If your company requires talent related to IT and/or Cyber Security or you are a professional in those fields willing to take on new professional challenges, do not hesitate to contact me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or in the LinkedIN Headhunter España or Cyber ​​Security Cluster Group:

#amkalis #cybersecuritycluster #headhunterespana #headhunter #ciberseguridad #eradigital #humanos #personas #digitalización #digital #human #people


Casas, J. D. L. (2020, 10 November). La importancia del factor humano en las empresas tras el Covid-19. EXPANSION.

Xirau, M. (2021, 12 May). La importancia del factor humano en las empresas. Forbes España.

portaltic. (2020, 19 November). El factor humano ganará terreno a la digitalización tras la pandemia como «valor diferencial», según. . .

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